The Outline of the Center’s Tasks
IP Strategy Center
01. IP Creation
Lab meeting, Prior art search, developing IP strategies and oversea patent application
02. IP Advancement
Patent roadmap, technology convergence (packaging), classification of technologies, market analysis, BM design
03. Technology Marketing
Collaboration with technology brokers in South Korea and overseas, organizing/participating in technology expos and seminars
04. Technology Commercialization
Technology licensing, patent sales, technological support for startups
05. Follow-Up Measures
Commercialization assessment, technological support, IP financing, inducing investment
06. Reinvestment to Technology Commercialization
Investment by revenues derived from commercialized technologies, developing promising new technologies
Strategic Creation of Intellectual Property
"Market to Lab"
Demand-based IP R&D Strategies
Offering classes in Graduate Programs
- Cultivating IP student-specialists
- Developing IP strategies before students select their research areas
- Analyzing IP issues when students write dissertations
Building IP R&D Infrastructure
- Database for IP survey and analysis
- Outsourcing external specialists
Planning Projects & Survey/Analysis
- IP landscaping
- Market analysis
- Big patent data
Technology Commercialization Strategies
Technology Transfer Process
- Consumer Request
- Request transfer of the technology a consumer wants (technology area, technology information. conditions, etc.)
- Inventor Request
- Technology marketing Register a technology wanted (companies expected to purchase the technology. technology name, conditions, etc.)
- Technology Matching
- Matching technology and research area (technology area)
- Company Matching
- Direct marketing. technology marketing in collaboration with partner institutions
- Agreement on Technology Transfer Conditions
- Agreement on how technology will be transferred and royalty and conditions of the technology, including technology value assessment
- Technology transfer agreement
- Completing a technology transfer contract Signing a contract
- mplementing a Technology Transfer Contract
- Paying the royalty of a technology and obtaining technology
- Consumer Request
- Factual survey of the technology for practical use
- Follow-Up Support
- Technology instruction, additional technology transfer, connecting with government-funded projects
Technology Commercialization Strategies
Course title
- IP & Strategies, 3 credit hours
Course Objectives
- Enhance understanding of IP fields in practice
- Equip students with capabilities to develop research and core patent strategies
Collaboration with global partners
IP System
•Innovation and Industry •IP Overview •Patentability and patent System •Patent Infringement •Claim Drafting |
Prior Art Search Practice
•Patent DB •Patent Search Basics •Patent Search Advanced •Practice of prior art search report |
R&D and Commercialization
•Technology Transfer & Commercialization •Employee Invention & R&D Management •Historical patents in Energy Industry •Key IP issues for researchers: How to make a strategic patent portfolio |
•Basic Framework •Analysis •Core patents •Value Creation •Practice |